Lineup for Human Resources

With Lineup, you can reduce stress, improve productivity, and keep everyone in the loop.

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Reduce Stress

If you feel overwhelmed by all the spreadsheets that you’ve created to track every aspect of business, look no further. Lineup is designed to become your central hub of information, from tracking information on your employees to teams and meetings that you hold. It will even help with information gathering, linking your forms and surveys directly with your employee and consultant profiles.


Improve Productivity

Managing projects and teams can be time-consuming and complex. From surveys to meeting invitations and logistics to finding the right people for a given initiative, there’s a lot to manage. Lineup removes that burden and lets you focus on the most important aspects of your job—the people.

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Keep Everyone in the Loop

Lineup is designed with communication in mind. Need to poll your team? Design and deliver it directly from Lineup. Need to email the group a reminder? Use Lineup’s group email to do the heavy lifting.