Talent Database
Revolutionize your volunteer program with Lineup.
Volunteers, subject matter experts, and employees are the lungs of any organization. How well are you tracking their data? Is your organization still managing your volunteer or subject matter experts in spreadsheets? Lineup can revolutionize your volunteer program by creating individual profiles for your talent and organizing them into a customizable database.
Swift Setup
Get started in no time using Lineup’s bulk uploader feature to set up your customized Lineup database in minutes. Just simply upload your CSV. file and Lineup walks you through the steps!
Data Unification
Lineup takes all of your spreadsheets and turns them into a single platform where your team can edit, sort, and filter all of your data in a snap.
Total Customization
We know that your organization is unique. That’s why we’ve built the Lineup platform to be completely customizable from top to bottom. Customize your dashboards, messages, and data all on the fly!