Team Database

Organize all of your teams data. With Lineup you can create new data points and track old ones all in one place.

Teams are where the work gets done. Whether your organization is utilizing committees, workshops, panels, or meetings. Tracking your team data can help your organization improve and automate your work. Are you still using excel to manually track data? Lineup helps you organize your data by creating a database of all of your teams. Create new data points and track old ones all in one place.

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Modernize Your Tracking

Where does your team data live? If your still tracking your team rosters in excel with static and stale data, we’ve create a dynamic team database that tracks all of your teams and their data in one place!

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Build Your Teams

Every team is different. Create new teams with the correct roster, a bench of potential fill-ins and custom fields to track your team’s data such as meeting agendas or minutes.

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Create Your Data

Create high quality data points on your team participation such as individual attendance, pre-travel checklists and whether their stipend has been paid using our custom tracked fields.


Get in touch and learn how Lineup can enhance your business.