How to Avoid SME Fatigue

While we are navigating over a year of operating in a (mostly) virtual world, people are growing tired and worn out. Being in a managerial role during these times has provided challenges outside of the norm, but one thing that remains true is making sure that your direct reports are happy. We know that happy employees result in positive outcomes. Which means that engaged employees are more productive, resulting in a 21% increase in profits*.

Read our compiled list of how to make sure your subject matter experts are taking care and taken care of:

✔️ Prepare Them

We know that setting people up for success gives them a better chance at succeeding. Having yourself prepared, with all your documents, deadlines, and beyond will help your subject matter experts be more prepared themselves. Creating and keeping a checklist for yourself and your team is a great way to ensure you’re covering all your bases.

✔️ Manage Expectations

Even though your team is stacked with superheroes, you have to remember that even Superman has kryptonite! Especially in a time where everyone is expected to go above and beyond, you should start by revisiting your own expectations, and then reevaluate for everyone.

✔️ Humanize Them

This one should go without saying, but your SMEs are people too! Acknowledging and respecting boundaries is great in showing your team you value them and their contributions. Knowing and showcasing where the work is coming from can boost morale, increase productivity, and show your team you believe their contributions matter to the larger picture.

✔️ Reward Them

With COVID disabling us from traveling, many companies are saving money from having to operate remotely. Companies all over are now using part of those extra funds to incentivize and reward their experts and volunteers. Even a little can go a long way! If you don’t have any available funds, companies are using badges and social media shoutouts to ensure SMEs are feeling appreciated.

✔️ Communicate

This one’s as easy as asking…

How can I better support you?

Are you feeling supported?

What can I do to help you succeed?

 Now: take action!


Nik Sorocenski

Digital Marketer at Lineup.


Why Are People Still Using Spreadsheets?


Repost: Embrace Opportunity to Co-Create Core Solutions with Empowered Talent by Barry J Barresi